Barau-Barau - (Straw-headed Bulbul) Issue January 2005 The Straw-headed Bulbul or Bulbul À Tête Jaune (Pycnonotus zeylanicus) is a species of songbird in the Pycnonotidae family. It is found in Brunei, Indonesia, Malaysia, Burma, and Singapore. Its natural habitats are subtropical or tropical moist lowland forests, subtropical or tropical mangrove forests, subtropical or tropical moist shrubland, arable land, plantations , and rural gardens. It is threatened by habitat loss.
Kuang Raya - (Great Argus) Issue February 2005The Great Argus, Argusianus argus (also known as Phoenix in some Asian areas) is a brown-plumaged pheasant with a small blue head and neck, rufous red upper breast, black hair-like feathers on crown and nape, and red legs. The male is among the largest of all pheasants, with up to 200cm in length. It has very long tail feathers. The male's most spectacular features are its huge, broad and greatly elongated secondary wing feathers decorated with large ocelli. The female is smaller and duller than male, with shorter tails and less ocelli. Young males attain adult plumage in their third year.The Great Argus is distributed in the jungles of Borneo, Sumatra and Malay Peninsula in southeast Asia. It feeds on forest floor in early morning and evening. Unusual among Galliformes, the Great Argus has no oil gland and the hen lays only two eggs.
Lang Siput - (White-bellied Sea Eagle) Issue March 2005The White-bellied Sea-eagle (Haliaeetus leucogaster), also known as the White-bellied Fish-eagle or White-breasted Sea Eagle, is a large diurnal bird of prey in the family Accipitridae. It is closely related to other eagles, kites, hawks, harriers and Old World vultures.It is resident from India through southeast Asia to Australia on coasts and major waterways. It is a distinctive bird. The adult has white head, breast, under-wing coverts and tail. The upper parts are grey and the black under-wing flight feathers contrast with the white coverts. The tail is short and wedge-shaped as in all Haliaeetus species.
Pekaka Sungai - (Collared Kingfisher) Issue April 2005The Collared Kingfisher (Todiramphus chloris) is a medium-sized kingfisher belonging to the family Halcyonidae, the tree kingfishers. It is also known as the White-collared Kingfisher or Mangrove Kingfisher. It has a wide range extending from the Red Sea across southern Asia and Australasia to Polynesia. It is a very variable species with about 50 subspecies.

Dendang Gajah - (Asian Fairy Bluebird) Issue May 2005The Asian Fairy-bluebird, Irena puella, is a medium-sized, arboreal passerine bird. This fairy-bluebird breeds across tropical southern Asia from the Himalayan foothills, India and Sri Lanka east to Indonesia. This species is found in moist hill-forest. Two or three eggs are laid in a small cup nest in a tree. It was described by British ornithologist John Latham in 1790. The only other member of the genus is the Philippine Fairy-bluebird I. cyanogastra.The adult Asian Fairy Bluebird is about 27 cm long. The male has glossy, iridescent blue upperparts, and black underparts and flight feathers. The female and first year male are entirely dull blue-green.
Enggang Badak - (Rhinoceros Hornbill) Issue June 2005The Rhinoceros Hornbill, Buceros rhinoceros, is one of the largest hornbills, adults being 110-127 cm (43-50 in) long and weigh 2-3 kg (4.4-6.6 lbs). The Rhinoceros Hornbill lives in captivity for up to 35 years. It is found in only the highest form of rain forest.Like most other hornbills, the male has orange or red eyes, and the female has whitish eyes. This bird has a mainly white beak and casque (the tip of the casque curves upward strikingly), but there are orange places here and there. It has white underparts, especially to the tail. This bird lives in the Malay Peninsula, Sumatra, Java, and Borneo.
Merpati Emas - (Nicobar Pigeon) Issue July 2005The Nicobar Pigeon, Caloenas nicobarica, is a pigeon found on small islands and in coastal regions from the Nicobar Islands, east through the Malay Archipelago, to the Solomons and Palau. It is the only living member of the genus Caloenas.This is a large pigeon, measuring 40 cm in length. The head is grey, like the upper neck plumage, which turns into green and copper hackles towards the breast. The breast and remiges are dark grey. The tail is very short and pure white. The rest of its plumage is metallic green. The cere of the dark bill forms a small blackish knob; the strong legs and feet are dull red. The irides are dark.
Siul Berjambul - (Crested Wood Partidge) Issue August 2005The Crested Wood Partridge, Rollulus rouloul, also known as the Crested Partridge, Roul-roul, Red-crowned Wood Partridge or Green Wood Partridge is a gamebird in the pheasant family Phasianidae of the order Galliformes, gallinaceous birds. It is the only member of the genus Rollulus.This small partridge is a resident breeder in lowland rainforests in south Burma, south Thailand, Malaysia, Sumatra and Borneo. Its nest is a ground scrape lined with leaves, which is concealed under a heap of leaf litter. Five or six white eggs are incubated for 18 days.
Takau Rakit - (Black and Red Broadbil) Issue September 2005The Black-and-red Broadbill (Cymbirhynchus macrorhynchos) is a species of bird in the Eurylaimidae family. It is monotypic within the genus Cymbirhynchus.It is found in Brunei, Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, Singapore, Thailand, and Vietnam.Its natural habitats are subtropical or tropical moist lowland forests and subtropical or tropical mangrove forests.
Bangau Besar - (Great Egret) Issue October 2005The Great Egret (Ardea alba), also known as the Great White Egret or Common Egret or (now not in use) Great White Heron,[1] and called kōtuku in New Zealand, is a large egret. Distributed across most of the tropical and warmer temperate regions of the world, in southern Europe and Asia it is rather localized. In North America it is more widely distributed ubquitously across the sun belt states in the United States. It is sometimes confused with the Great White Heron in Florida, which is a white morph of the closely related Great Blue Heron (A. herodias). Note however that the name Great White Heron has occasionally been used to refer to the Great Egret.
Pergam Besar - (Green Imperial Pigeon) Issue November2005The Green Imperial Pigeon (Ducula aenea) is a pigeon which is a widespread resident breeding bird in tropical southern Asia from India east to Indonesia. It has a number of subspecies, of which the distinctive Celebes form, Chestnut-naped Imperial Pigeon (Ducula aenea paulina) is pictured.This is a forest species; it builds a stick nest in a tree and lays a single white egg. Its flight is fast and direct, with the regular beats and an occasional sharp flick of the wings which are characteristic of pigeons in general.Green Imperial Pigeon is a large plump pigeon, 45cm in length. Its back, wings and tail are metallic green. The head and underparts are white, apart from maroon undertail coverts. Sexes are similar.This is an arboreal dove, feeding on plant material in the tree canopy. They are not very gregarious, but will form small flocks. The bird's call is deep and resonant, and is often the first indication of the presence of this treetop species.
Tirjup Tanah - ( Brown Shrike ) Issue December 2005The Brown Shrike, Lanius cristatus is a bird in the shrike family that is found mainly in Asia. It forms a superspecies with the closely-related Red-backed Shrike, L. collurio, and Isabelline Shrike, L. isabellinus. Like most other shrikes, it has a distinctive black "bandit-mask" through the eye. and is found mainly in open scrub habitats, where it perches on the tops of thorny bushes in search of prey. Several populations of this widespread species form distinctive subspecies which breed in temperate Asia and migrate to their winter quarters in tropical Asia. They are sometimes found as vagrants in Europe and North America.
12 complete set Malaysia Coin In Education
Minted by Royal Mint of Malaysia - 25 sen ( Nordic Gold )
Type : Nordic Gold (Brilliant Uncirculated)
Alloy : Cu89 Zn5 Al5 Sn
Face Value : 25 sen
Approved Mintage : 40,000 pieces
Dia-meter (mm) : 30.0
Weight (gram) : 9.16
Shape : Round with milled edge
BNM Selling Price : RM5.00 (2005)
Issued year : 2005 by Bank Negara Malaysia
The obverse of the coin depicts one of the 12 birds following the sequence as stated in Appendix I. The word 'ENDANGERED SPECIES SERIES' is on the upper part of the circumference. The common name of bird in Bahasa Malaysia, English and its scientific name are on the lower part of the circumference. Meanwhile, the reverse of the coin depicts the denomination and the logo for the Bird Series, which represented by the Hornbill.
Info source from wiki and BNM